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Mountfield Primary School home page

Welcome to


Primary School


Our vision 


At Mountfield, we aim to make science an engaging and practical subject for pupils. Children are encouraged to be curious and ask questions about their surroundings. A love for science is nurtured through a varied science curriculum and we aim to foster a keen interest in children about the world around them. Science units have been planned out progressively to ensure scientific knowledge and skills are built upon each year. In each topic, pupils will be immersed in carrying out experiments, learning key scientific knowledge and developing their scientific skills. Beyond the classroom, pupils participate in ‘British Science Week’ each year, they embark on enriching trips, workshops and forest school sessions to learn about science in context.  


Retrieval and progression 


All science lessons focus initially on enquiry skills and children then gain the knowledge required through engaging practical experiments. Formative assessment is used to inform planning and pupil voice is carried out to assess impact. Key vocabulary and scientists have been carefully planned out for each unit and regularly revisited with pupils each lesson. Active learning through retrieval games and quizzes is part of science lessons, reinforcing understanding of previous learning. This year, pupils have been utilising knowledge organisers to aid retention of essential concepts, and assessments at the end of each topic guide future retrieval practice.  



Scientific skills


Key Stage One 


Lower Key Stage Two 



Upper Key Stage Two 

Science Overview