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Primary School

eSafety for Parents

What is eSafety?


eSafety (Internet Safety) encompasses the use of Internet technologies and electronic communications such as:


  • Webcams
  • Digital video equipment
  • Mobile phones, camera phones
  • PDAs
  • Portable media players.
  • Wearable technology


It highlights the need to educate pupils about the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using information technology as well as raising user’s awareness of how to keep themselves safe using electronic technology.


At Mountfield Primary School we take the issue of eSafety very seriously. Throughout each academic year the children are taught about how to stay safe whilst using the vast array of technology available to them as part of their curriculum. Staff at Mountfield have also been CEOP trained and are able to talk to children about issues relating to eSafety.  eSafety policies are also reviewed yearly to keep them current and up to date.


Online Safety update

There is an unpleasant online risk for younger children you may not be aware of: It is becoming increasingly common for sexual predators to trick young children into getting changed or undressed on camera by playing a ‘game’ or issuing a ‘challenge’ to see how fast they can get changed into different clothes or into a swimming costume. This might happen over video chat or livestreaming app. Children often don't even know this has happened. Videos are often taken and then circulated. More information is available at, which is a new campaign from LGFL aimed at children.